(Letter from Mother Trust published in the book called "Superet Light Healing Testimonies" page 61)
Humbly and gratefully I thank God, Superet, for the healing of consumption. This started me to find the new Name, Superet. And as I always trusted in God to help me, this healing was given me of Superet Light, which the Lord told me in a vision when I found the new Name, Superet, through Jesus' Words.
All the good things then started to come to me. As I was born with the Gift of seeing Light and Auras, it was easy to study. And, with the healing of the Superet Light Science Laws for others also as they obeyed the Superet Laws, a new life in Light began, just as though each was born again in a new body. They became young and happy, and they did not think any longer of the years of sufferings; neither did I.
In my study in finding the new Name, Superet, I was reborn again with new life when finding Jesus' God's Name, Superet. And having the proofs of years' study, this was my life -- to find Jesus' God. And I found It only through Light. Jesus' God's Name was and is Superet.
This Wonder of Wonders of God's Name, Superet, not only healed me, but supplied me with everything and also helped others. My prayers were more quickly answered when I asked in the Name of Superet. But, I had to live in the Superet Laws, and keep my heart- love steady with pure thoughts for the Superet Light in helping others. Even in the Holy Land they all saw the miracles.
I give humbly and meekly on my knees, my heart love and gratitude to You, Father and Mother God, Superet Light, in Jesus' Name, and with all my heart, I thank You, Beloved God, for Thy Superet Light Healing me and for all those who give and will give testimonies, and all those who will join in the Superet Light Healing Chain, and give their testimonies to help others, and in building more love in this love chain to God Superet, and Superet Light.
One great Chain of millions of links or hearts, united with angels and spirits of Light must encircle the whole world with love to God Superet Light with grateful hearts, loving Jesus' God, Superet, in one brotherly and sisterly love, praying for friend and enemy alike as true Superetist Light bearers, Jesus' followers with Light. Through Jesus Christ's Light, we become united, and He leads us to the Superet Light.
To love God, and to protect this Superet Light Love Chain, we all pray at noon time. All who are out of the city and want to join in the Superet Light Healing Love Chain, write for prayer to Mother Trust, and also state your sickness. All religions and nations are welcome.
God Bless You All.
Love From
Mother Trust